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If you would like to print a listing of all of the programs offered by K&K Insurance Group Canada, click here.

 Click here to obtain a Broker Data Form, in order to do business with us.


K&K's insurance programs cover some of the world's most fascinating industries and offer unique growth opportunities to brokers. As a leading provider of specialty insurance products and services to the sports, leisure and entertainment industries, K&K delivers world-class service and specialized products to its producers giving them a distinctive advantage over standard market alternatives.

As a managing general underwriter for several insurance carriers, K&K conducts product and program development; sales and marketing; underwriting; policy issuance and administration; and loss control and risk management. K&K is owned by Aon Corporation, a holding company comprised of a family of insurance brokerage, consulting and underwriting subsidiaries.

Working with K&K

K&K requires no volume commitments.

Our goal is to make it easy for licensed producers to work with us. No prior appointment or agreement is necessary to submit applications for a coverage quotation. Upon binding the first account, agencies and individual producers are required to submit basic contact information, proper licensing documentation and Errors & Omissions coverage verification.

Submitting Business

For most K&K programs, particularly General Liability coverages, special K&K applications and/or enrollment forms must be completed for us to better understand and appropriately assess the risk.

Applications can be obtained from our office or downloaded directly from this website.

  • Brief narrative: describing in detail the general nature of the operation or risk.
  • Applications: specialty applications along with necessary generic applications, signed by the applicant.
  • Loss Experience: 3-5 years of carrier loss runs with explanations for all losses.
  • Diagrams and/or photos: particularly for event liability and property coverages.
  • Supplemental Information: contracts, vendor agreements, waiver and release forms, rule books, event guidelines, emergency evacuation plans, risk management manuals, etc.

Due to the unique aspects of each specialty program we develop, commission rates can vary by program class and/or coverage line. Please verify your commission rate with the K&K representative processing your submission. If you charge the insured a fee for services and would prefer to receive a quotation "net" of commission, please let your representative know.

Premium invoices are typically sent to the broker "net" of the applicable commission rate.


The managing underwriter agreements with our carriers grant K&K exclusive authority for a number of functions that cannot be passed along to brokerages, such as binding coverage; policy, endorsement and certificate processing; and developing quotes. Contact your K&K representative with any questions regarding detailed procedures involving these services.